Thursday, 20 October 2011


Don't worry about Zombie Walks or having fun.

Don't worry that you're letting down a whole heap of people that have already spent money on make up and tickets and are dependent upon you for the event to go ahead. They're inconsequential, they don't matter, they're not your friends.

Don't worry about letting me down. Don't worry that you've let me down countless times before. I'm just a bit of fun. I don't matter enough to be an issue.

Don't worry that being ignored upsets me, again I'm not important enough for you to be concerned about my feelings. And I'll be the one to try and cheer you up, make you feel better, fix your world because YOU are what counts. Your happiness, your mood, your wants and needs.

I'll alter my behaviour because what I want or need is irrelevant. I won't post things on facebook because it might upset your ex and make you feel uncomfortable. I won't ask anything of you because it puts unfair demands on you. Won't make plans because that's a commitment that you're not willing to make. Stupid me for thinking that because YOU suggested this it might turn out differently.

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